Introduction to Ranch Riding and Trail Classes
with Practice and Q&A
March 14th, 2020
Deep Creek Arabians
206 Glover Road
Zebulon, GA 30295

Come Learn and Have a Fun Day at this Fundraiser Event!
All breeds, levels, and ages welcomed.
Check-In starts at 8:30AM and ends at 9:30AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM: Trail (English and Western)
12:00 - 1:00PM: Lunch Break
1:00PM - 4:00PM: Ranch Riding
Event Details: Generous Volunteers and Amateur Owners Barbara Adler and Corky Fairchild will be presenting introduction to showing Trail and Ranch Riding. Barbara will have her National Champion Arabian mare Lilly on hand as an example. Event is limited to fifteen horses for event. Proper attire wear and tack will be reviewed as well as types of obstacles you will encounter, official distance measurements for obstacles and how to approach and maneuver through an obstacle. We will be working both in groups and individually as each person will have opportunity at every obstacle. We may split into two groups Corky working with one and Barb work with the other for time constraints.
All participants should bring their own chairs.
Please follow our Facebook event page as well for updates:
Bios on our Volunteer Amateur Owners:
Barbara Adler has been working with and showing Arabians for 38 years. She shows on a Regional and National level earning six Regional championships, several Reserves, six National Top Tens and a Reserve National Championship this year.
Corky Fairchild has been active in the Arabian horse industry most of her life. For 35 years, until this year, she did
hold eight judges cards with other breeds and disciplines (not Arabian). She has judged and done clinics here in the states and Internationally in several countries but now is showing as an amateur. Corky, teamed with her husband Bill, has been very successful on both the Regional and National level over the years. This year Corky achieved Champion and Reserve at Regional and Top Ten at Nationals this year. With her pony, Julie, that was laid up 18 months, Corky still managed to show at USN last year a month after she was allowed to be ridden again.
There are no refunds unless someone can fill your slot.
Payment MUST be received to hold rider/auditor spot. PLEASE REGISTER AND PAY.
Please send registration form to Please note on your form how you will pay & whether you want to ride in the ranch riding or trail secions or both.
Auditor Registration:
* GAHA Member Auditor: $15.00 - all day auditing. Chili and hot dog lunch included.
* Non-GAHA Member Auditor: $20.00 - all day auditing. Chili and hot dog included.
Please submit your form & payment by March 11th so we have a head count for lunch.
There are no refunds unless someone can fill your slot.
Registration Forms:
Click HERE for fillable .DOCX form
If you would like to join Georgia Arabian Horse Association and receive our member discount for this event, please fill out our membership form at
Rider Registration:
Deadline to register is Sunday, March 8th.
* GAHA Member Rider: $30.00 includes all day auditing. Chili and hot dog lunch included.
* Non-GAHA Member Rider: $35.00 includes all day auditing. Chili and hot dog lunch included.
Proof of negative coggins required. Helmets are required.
There are no refunds unless someone can fill your slot.
Stalls are on a first come first serve basis. Only 7 stalls available. One bag of shavings include. Please bring a second bag or you will be charged $7.00 for additional bag of shavings upon arrival. Day before horse arrival after 3 PM upon request.
All stalls must be cleaned out before departure or a fee will incur.
To reserve stalls & arrange horse arrival time contact Susan White at or 770-547-2832.
Payment Options:
Make check payable to the Georgia Arabian Horse Association.
Please note "INTRO TO RANCH RIDING & TRAIL" and Participant Name(s) on check.
and mail to: GAHA, Susan White, 206 Glover Road, Zebulon, GA 30295
Please use the "FRIENDS & FAMILY" Option.
If you choose to use a Credit Card please add an additional $5.00 to
your amount for the Credit Card processing fee.
Please note "INTRO TO RANCH RIDING & TRAIL" and Participant Name(s) on NOTES section on payment.
GAHA Event Participation Waiver Form for all attendees >>> Please bring forms with you to event.
If you are interested in volunteering or a sponsorship please email We will need 2-4 people needed to adjust poles set obstacles in the morning & during event and 1-2 people to help with parking. Also, will need 2-4 people needed to remove poles from ring at lunch.
Thank you to Susan White of Deep Creek Arabians for generously donating the use of your farm and hosting this clinic at your personal family farm and supporting GAHA.
From Griffin, GA take Hwy 19 west toward Zebulon for 4 miles, turn left on McKinley Rd. Cross over New Hope Rd. McKinley becomes dirt. Go 1 mile and turn left on Glover Rd., also dirt, Take 1st drive way on the right
Food in the Area:
Zebulon has a Dairy Queen, the Oink Joint (BBQ), Big Willie’s (Mexican), American Pie(Pizza), and the one for breakfast, Ruth’s (country cooking). On the way you will pass McDonald’s, Subway, and Waffle House at the intersection of 19/41 where 19 and 41 split (Griffin area). Griffin has more in town.
We are SO excited to have you and look forward to a fantastic day!