The goal of the Georgia Arabian Horse Association is to connect Arabian enthusiasts in Georgia by providing equine events and activities where members can meet, learn and enjoy their horses. To help provide these benefits to the members of GAHA we rely in great part on the support of our generous Sponsors. We ask that you please take a minute and review the Levels of Sponsorship offered.
Sponsorships will remain valid for 12 months of the current year so these sponsors are through December 31st.
Sponsors will help the Georgia Arabian Horse Association to reach their goals to:
● Promote the Arabian Horse
● Provide value to members including supporting our Youth of the Year Award, GAHA Gives Back Program, & Ambassador Awards
● Help provide low cost education to promote good horsemanship & horse care to equestrian community
● Bring together the local equestrian community no matter the age, level or experience
● Provide a networking opportunity for a strong community around the Arabian Horse & horses in the southeast
This would be a great opportunity to give back to your local equestrian community as well as provide additional visibility and a promotion opportunity for your business and services. GAHA has six different sponsorship options to support the club.
Please don't forget to visit, refer and thank our sponsors!
Please click here to view our six different Sponsorship Level options.
Please click one of the following for Sponsorship Sign Up Form: Online, PDF, .DOCX
If you have any questions please email info@georgia-arabian.com
Platinum Level Sponsor
Lisa Seger Insurance
Pagan Gilman
Lisa Seger Insurance offers a variety of coverage options for horse owners through Markel Specialty ranging from horse mortality to farm and ranch to equine liability.

Silver Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Year End & General Sponsor
J.A.G. Arabian Sport Horses
Megan Gilker Thomas & Kathy Gilker -Milton, GA
jagarabiansporthorses@gmail.com/ 404.680.5442
Family owned farm specializing in Arabian & Half Arabian Sport Horses in Dressage, Hunters, & Combined Training

We invite you to become a club sponsor today. Sponsorships help GAHA bring educational seminars, clinics, trail rides, award programs and more to our members new and old. We are committed to the Arabian, Half Arabian and Anglo-Arabian community in Georgia and with your assistance we hope to expand awareness of our horses and events. We offer several sponsor levels to choose from. Are you a farm, equine professional or trainer that would like to donate your facility or expertise? We would love to have your support! Please reach out to us at info@georgia-arabian.com.